Game Preview


  •  English    30     Public
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  • Collocation:(3 words) "when you come late and cannot catch a train" means: ...
    miss a train
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  • "When a machine or motor vehicle suddenly ceases (stops) to function" means: it ___ (2 words)
    breaks down
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  • a situation in which there is a lot of sudden change, trouble, argument and sometimes violence
    turbulence --> be a lot of turbulence
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  • a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly
    traffic jam/ traffic congestion --> be stuck in a traffic jam.
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  • (5 words) there is something not right or out of the ordinary
    there is something wrong with ... (the plane, the engine, my phone,...)
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  • a period of time when somebody/something has to wait because of a problem that makes something slow or late
    delays --> long delays
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  • "unable to find your way; not knowing where you are" means: you ___ (2 words)
    get lost
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  • a line of people, cars, etc. waiting for something or to do something
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  • to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc.
    to board a bus/train/ship/flight
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  • (of an aircraft, etc.) to leave the ground and begin to fly
    take off
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  • to begin a journey (2 words)
    set off --> We set off for London just after ten.
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  • to take someone somewhere (4 words)
    give sb a lift
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  • to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface
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  • to travel by asking for free rides in other people’s cars, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop
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