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How would you survive Vol.3

  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How would you survive sleeping in the far corner of a Pigsty?
    By grabbing around 10 baby pigs and making a pig ball with me in the middle
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  • How would you survive 3 hours of math class
    I wouldn't, what a horrible idea
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  • How would you survive an old man throwing Doritos from his balcony at you
    I would survive just fine..... It's the Grampa that should be worried
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  • How would you survive on a diet of Baby Koalas
    I don't eat meat so I wouldn't survive..... How could you eat a baby Koala you monster!!!
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  • How would you survive someone planthing seeds in your ears??
    By starting a new fashion trend.... Plant hair
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  • How would you survive beeing your brother or sister for a week?
    My sister is super boring I wouldn't survive
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  • How would you survive living with a family of rats?
    By biting all of them to let them know that I'm the king of the rats
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  • how would you survive if you could never say no to anything
    by saying "Yes I don't want that"
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  • How would you survive only having 2 fingers
    Problably by poking everthing
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  • How would you survive never using a smart phone?
    I would be fine.... It's you that im worried about
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