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MM #10

  •  English    40     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who were Jack and Annie going to visit on this adventure? p7
    Leonardo da Vinci
  •  15
  • What do they need to do with da Vinci? p8
    Spend the day with him
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  • What are the rules of the Dianthus Wand? p9
    Use it for the good of others, use it after you’ve tried your hardest, use it with a command of five words
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  • What did Jack and Annie hear in the distance as the tree house took them away?
    school bells
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  • Where does Leonardo da Vinci live? p13
    Florence, Italy
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  • Why did Jack and Annie use the wand to find Leonardo? p20
    they’d done everything they could to find him already
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  • Why shouldn’t Annie have let the bird free? p23
    it wasn't hers
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  • Who came to rescue Annie and Jack from the trouble they were in?
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  • How does Leonardo feel about birds? p26
    Likes to set them free as well, wants to be one
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  • What’s Leonardo’s secret to happiness? p29
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  • Why does Leonardo want Jack and Annie to look at the clouds? p35
    To show them the art in the world around them
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  • Why is it important for Leonardo to look at the world around him? 
    That’s how he gets his ideas for his paintings
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  • What’s a fresco? p38
    A work of art painted on a wall
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  • What’s Leonardo’s fresco of? p42
    Battle scene from long ago defending Florence
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  • What was Leonardo going to try to help his paints dry? p44
    Using fire to heat them up
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  • What did the heat do to the fresco? p46
    Made it drip
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