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NHF6 Unit 8 Practice

  •  English    45     Public
    A Bamboozle to practise the contents of New High Five 6 Unit 8
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  • This is the land that's on the edge of a river, a lake, the sea, or an ocean. It can be sandy or rocky.
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  • You can do this underwater activity in the sea, the ocean, a lake or a swimming pool. You wear a tank on your back and breathe in oxygen through a tube.
    Scuba diving
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  • This large marine animal lives in many places around the world. It's a mammal and it's got whiskers and a long nose. It swims very well and it's similar to a seal.
    Sea lion
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  • People often do this activity in the middle of the day, after lunch. It's a short sleep.
    Have a nap
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  • This is a hard substance that grows in the sea or ocean. It's home to many tropical fish and it's actually an animal.
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  • This is a kind of bed. It's made of a large piece of cloth. You tie cloth to a tree at each end.
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  • You do this activity in the sea or ocean. You sit in a small boat and move it with a paddle.
    Sea kayaking
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  • You usually need a pair of binoculars to do this activit. You need to move very slowly and quietly so you don't scare away the animals.
    Wildlife spotting
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  • COMPLETE: If I lived in the Galapagos Islands,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would go wildlife spotting./ I wouldn't climb a volcano
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  • COMPLETE: If I saw a giant tortoise, ...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would feed it lettuce / I wouldn't be scared of it.
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  • COMPLETE: If I saw a sea lion,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would take a photo of it with my phone/camera. / I wouldn't disturb it.
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  • COMPLETE: If I went sea kayaking,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would probably do it very well. / I wouldn't fall from the kayak.
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  • COMPLETE: If I went wildlife spotting,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would take my binoculars / I wouldn't make noise in order not to scare the animals away..
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  • COMPLETE: If I had a nap in the middle of the English class,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. My teacher would get angry and wake me up / I wouldn't be able to learn anything.
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  • COMPLETE: If I had a credit card,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would buy something expensive / I wouldn't know how to use it.
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  • COMPLETE: If I had tropical fish in a fish tank,...
    WOULD/WOULDN'T SENTENCE. E.g. I would show them to my friends when they come to visit / I wouldn't let my cat near them.
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