Game Preview


  •  English    6     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • My aunt's family use the services of a cleaning company to clean up their house.
    My aunt's family usually have their house cleaned up by a cleaning company.
  •  15
  • A postman delivered the mail to our house this morning.
    We had our mail delivered to the house this morning.
  •  15
  • We’re taking our dog to the groomer, so that he can give it a haircut.
    We’re taking our dog to a groomer, so that it can have its hair cut.
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  • She’s a busy woman, so her assistant arranges all the meetings for her.
    She’s a busy woman, so she has her meetings arranged for her.
  •  15
  • How does this cafe work: do they bring your drinks here or do I need to get them?
    How does this cafe work: do we get the drinks brought or do we need to get them?
  •  15
  • We live out of the city, so a special truck collects our rubbish twice a week.
    We live out of the city, so we have our rubbish picked up twice a week.
  •  15