Game Preview

Social Skills

  •  English    21     Public
    size of problem, expected/unexpected, inferencing, etc.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Your team lost a game when playing in class, so you yell, "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" and run away. Is this a small or big problem? How should I have acted?
    SMALL problem; said "good game" and told your team we will try again
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  • Should I tell the teacher or adult every time I see a student with 'unexpected behavior' in class or on the playground that is NOT a big problem? Yes or No?
    NO; only tell an adult if it's a BIG problem
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  • What is personal space?
    an arm's length away from someone
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  • When do I have a green light when having a conversation with someone?
    When the other person stops talking, pauses, looks at me or asks me a question
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  • When do I have a red light in a conversation?
    when someone else is talking
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  • How do I politely interrupt someone having a conversation?
    move close (but keep personal space), say, "sorry or excuse me" and why I'm interrupting them
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  • When is it okay to politely interrupt someone when they are busy?
    when you need immediate help
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  • How do you greet your teacher in the morning?
    Good morning, Ms. Walker (teacher's name)
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  • Give an example of a BIG problem.
    someone is very hurt and needs immediate attention, earthquake, fire
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  • Give an example of a small problem.
    losing a game, breaking a pencil, accidentally ripping your paper, spilling water, being last in line, not getting to pick a game
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  • What is expected and unexpected behavior?
    expected behavior is when you react appropriately in a situation; unexpected behavior is the opposite
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  • If I don't like what the teacher told me, should I yell, "NO" and run away? How should I react?
    No, you shouldn't run in class, instead you can take deep breaths or count to 10 slowly.
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  • How would you feel is someone keeps interrupting you when you talk? What should you say to that person? Should you yell at them and say, "Hey Stop That!!!"
    upset, frustrated, angry; you should say, "please stop interrupting me, I'm trying to talk"
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  • What should I do if I need to talk to the teacher, but my teacher is on the phone? Should I ask who my teacher was talking too and why?
    wait until she is done talking, raise my hand; No, you should never ask someone who they were talking to and why, that is not polite
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  • What should I be doing when someone has the green light (is talking to me)?
    look at the person, listen to what they are saying, and wait for a pause so I can talk
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  • Before I say something, what do I need to ask myself? Is it.....Is it......Is it.....
    Is it KIND, Is it TRUE, Is it HELPFUL
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