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Megatrends — 5 tips on the art and science of  ...

  •  English    12     Public
    TED talk
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  • What was the percentage os the trends her company tracks that kept growing during the recession?
  •  15
  • What do they use trends for?
    To help organizations spot the next billion dollars of growth.
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  • Who are the trends relevant for?
    - Everyone
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  • What do they call the items that are hard to predict?
    - Dice rolls
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  • Name some of the unpredictable trends.
    price of gold, Alibaba stock value, next Tour de France winner, price of oil
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  • Name some of the predictable trends.
    rise of entertainment and celebrity, rise of ‘silver’ market for seniors, rise of internet of things, rise of e-commerce
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  • What is the trend in robotics?
    from 25b to 67b in 2025, robots move from mining bots to care bots to agricultural bots, they’ll move from making our cars to driving our cars
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  • What is the biggest market of all?
    Pet market (97b)
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  • What are the stages of a mega trend wave?
    - 1. Emerging trend hard to detect 2. Opportunity to be proactive 3. Risk stage
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  • What trends is Amazon leading in?
    Internet and e-commerce, rise of cloud and big data, rise of mobile devices, rise of robotic advantage
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  • What are the five basics to stay ahead of the curve?
    get trends literate, timing is critical, leverage tools to get advance notice, combine trends to create value, shape the future: acts on what you see
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  • When was the grey market renamed for the silver market?
    When it’s worth grew to 4t dollars
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