
Phone Skills

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  • How many times should you text a person before texting them back?
    Only text them one time
  • What are some reasons why you would need to actually CALL someone on the phone?
    making an appointment, etc...
  • Role Play: Make a phone call to schedule a dentist appointment.
    Answers Vary
  • When are the appropriate times of the day to call or text someone?
    Probably between 9 am and 9 pm
  • How often do you call someone on the phone?
    Answers Vary
  • Role Play: Make a phone call to report an absence at work.
    Answers Vary
  • When answering the phone, when should you give out personal information?
  • Role Play: Make a phone call to find out what time the library closes today.
    Answers Vary
  • Role Play: Make a phone call to order a pizza. Remember to include all important information.
    Answers vary
  • How many phone numbers can you remember?
    Answers Vary
  • Role Play: Make a phone call to find out the business hours of Kohls today.
    Answers Vary
  • Role Play: Make a phone call to invite your friend to the movies. Remember to include all important information.
    Answers Vary
  • How do you think phones be different 100 years in the future?
    Answers Vary
  • Why is it important to write down information from the caller when taking a message?
    So that you do not forget any of the information
  • What should you do before you hang up the phone with someone?
    No - give an example of how you could end the call
  • Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?
    Answers Vary
  • Why is it important to be polite when answering the phone? Are you polite?
    Answers vary
  • When calling someone why shouldn’t you talk too long?
    The person you are calling might have other things to do
  • What should you do if you accidentally dial the wrong telephone number?
    Say - I'm sorry, I dialed the wrong number.