
Life skills Workplace safety

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  • What does this sign mean?
    The floor is wet. You can slip.
  • What do you do when there is trash on the floor?
    Step on it
    Leave it there
    Pick it up
  • When do you tell if someone gets hurt?
    When you get home
    After work
    Right away.
  • What kind of shoes are safe for work
    Tennis shoes
    Flip flops
    High heels
  • What does this sign mean?
    Exit. The way outside
  • When do you use a Caution sign?
    When you take a break
    At the front door
    When the floor is wet
  • How do you keep your hands clean?
    Wash hands. Use hand sanitizer.
  • Why shouldn’t you carry to many boxes at one time?
    You can’t see. It might be too heavy, They could fall, other.
  • Would you run at work?
    No, walk do not run
    Yes, always run
  • How to you reach an item on a high shelf?
    Stretch your hands
    Use a ladder
    Climb the shelf
  • How do you clean glass on the floor?
    Use a broom and dust pan
    Use your Hands
    Use your Feet
  • What does this sign mean?
    Wear a mask
  • What does this sign mean?
    Poison. Do not eat or drink
  • What number do you call for emergency?