
Review for Georgia in 20th Century Test

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  • Why did the United States and Georgia's economics benefit from WWII?
    Because there was an increase in production that helped end the Great Depression
  • When did Pearl Harbor take place?
    December 7, 1941
  • How did Drought affect Georgia?
    Drought along with the Depression and Boll Weevil made it difficult for farmers to harvest enough crops to make a living.
  • What is a B-29 Bomber?
    An Airplane
  • True or False: Franklin Roosevelt came to Warm Springtime, GA to get treatment for Polio.
    False: Warm Springs
  • When is considered the unofficial start of the Great Depression?
    Black Tuesday (October 29) 1929
  • What type of Jobs did the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) do?
    Worked in national forests planting trees and on the Appalachian Trial improving trails
  • How did Richard B Russell help Georgia's economy?
    Russell helped bring many military installations and federal money to Georiga.
  • What is the name of the law allowing the United States to loan the allies troops and supplies?
    Lend-Lease Act
  • From what decade to what decade did WWI, The Great Depression and WWII take place?
    1910's through the 1940's
  • Who created the New Deal Programs?
  • What contributions did Georgia make to WWI (give at least 2)?
    Georgia contributed greatly by sending troops, housing military bases, growing victory gardens, rationing and buying war bonds
  • What region of the United States was heavily and directly affected by the Boll Weevil?
    Southern Region
  • What role did Eugene Talmadge play in Georgia's government?
    Governor elected 4 times
  • Why were the New Deal programs created?
    To end the Great Depression
  • What New Deal program helps disabled people and retired persons 65 and older?
    Social Security
  • Eugene Talmadge was against the New Deal because.... (2 reasons)
    He didn't believe the Federal government should interfere with states and he didn't want minorities to gain rights
  • Who attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor?
  • Where were the deep water shipyards located in Georgia?
    Savannah and Brunswick
  • What caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
    Buying stocks with credit and market speculation
  • How did Japan feel about the Lend-Lease Act?
    That is was a sign that United States was on the side of the Allies and NOT neutral in WWII
  • Where were the Bell Bomber Plants located?
    Marietta, GA
  • How did Carl Vinson impact WWII?
    He expanded the US Navy
  • True or False: The United States knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming because of the Zimmerman Telegram.
    False: It was a surprise attack. And the Zimmerman Telegram was in WWI between Germany and Mexico.
  • What type of ships were built in the Brunswick and Savannah Shipyards in Georgia?
    Liberty Ships
  • Why is overproduction in agriculture so harmful to the economy and lively hood of farmers?
    Overproduction causes the price of commodities (agricultural products) to decrease significantly because there is more supply than demand
  • What issue with the United States banking system came to light during the Great Depression?
    Banks had no insurance or guarantees to protect the money deposited by people and businesses
  • How did FDR's connection to Georgia affect the state?
    Because of his frequent visits to Georgia FDR understood the issues many rural Georgians faced and tried to offer programs to help
  • True or False: Because of the Great Depression many banks, farms and businesses had to close.
  • How did Eugene Talmadge feel about the New Deal?
    He was an outspoken opponent of the New Deal.
  • What effect did the Boll Weevil have on the Cotton Crop in Georgia?
    It significantly lowered the amount of cotton produced.
  • How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) help farmers in Georgia?
    It paid farmers subsidies to not grow as many crops which would increase prices
  • What were two effects of the Great Depression?
    Unemployment (25%), Homeless, loss of life savings, hopelessness