
Phonics for Grade 1 (2)

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  • What's the missing letter? _est
    N (NEST)
  • What is the beginning sound? _each
    P (peach)
  • What's the beginning sound? Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo?
  • What are the missing letters? m_ _ key
    O and N (MONKEY)
  • What's the beginning sound? Jj, Kk, Ll or Mm?
  • What are the missing letters? ki_ _
    N and G (KING)
  • What are the missing letters? JACK _ _
    E and T (JACKET)
  • What are the missing letters? o_to_us
    C and P (OCTOPUS)
  • What's the missing letter? _ueen
    Q (queen)
  • What's the missing letter? _am
    J (JAM)
  • What's the beginning sound? Jj, Kk, Ll or Mm?
  • What's the missing letter? _strich
  • What are the missing letters? n_ _ t
    E and S (NEST)
  • What's the missing letter? _ouse
    M (MOUSE)
  • What's the missing letter? pan_a
    D (panda)
  • What's the beginning sound? Jj, Kk, Ll or Mm?
  • What's the beginning sound? Jj, Kk, Ll or Mm?
  • What's the missing letter? _eaf
    L (LEAF)
  • What are the missing letters? p_ _
    EN (pen)
  • What are the missing letters? lem_ _
    O and N (LEMON)
  • What's the missing letter? _ey
    K (KEY)
  • What's the missing letter? _uestion
    Q (question)