
Simple Sentences

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  • She wanted to go play soccer. What is the simple predicate (verb)?
  • I cleaned the living room. Is this a complete sentence?
  • The pineapple danced on the counter. Is this a complete sentence?
    No, it does not make sense.
  • I play the piano well. What is the simple predicate (verb)?
  • Toledo read a book in class. What is the subject?
  • My favorite TV show is American Idol. What is the simple subject?
  • What is the job of the verb (predicate)?
    what the subject is doing or is
  • The horse jumped the fence. What is the subject?
  • What is one type of end punctuation?
    period (.) exclamation mark (!) question mark (?)
  • What is the job of the subject?
    who or what the sentence is about
  • What is an independent clause?
    It has a subject and verb and can stand alone. It is a simple sentence.
  • A car sped down the freeway Is this a complete sentence?
    No, it does not have end punctuation.
  • The police officer turned on his lights and raced after the stolen car. What is the compound verb?
    turned, raced
  • our tent was destroyed by a bear. Is this a complete sentence?
    No. It does not begin with a capital letter.
  • Matin Myint and Par Meh like Korean drama and Thai Drama. Is this a complete sentence?
  • Christie and William drove to the park and ate lunch. What is the compound subject?
    Christie and William
  • Which word in a complete sentence always needs to be capitalized?
    the first word
  • The cat and dog fought in the living room. What is the compound subject?
    cat and dog