
Past Continuous

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  • The boy ....................... (not swim) in the ocean yesterday. afternoon.  He was swimming in a pool.
    wasn't swimming
  • While he ..................... (prepare) dinner, he ...... (cut) his finger.
    was preparing....cur
  • Yesterday, my brother ............... (do) his homework for three hours, but he didn't finish it.
    was doing
  • Yesterday, the lifeguard ..................... (watch) everyone all day.
    was watching
  • When I got up this morning, my father .................. (listen) to the news on his phone.
    was listening
  • Matt ................ (use) the computer  for a couple of hours when the Internet .............. (stop) working.
    was using......stopped
  • We .................. (make) lunch when you texted us.
    were making
  • Make a sentence in the negative with the past continuous.
  • While your sister  ................. (fly) a kite in the park, what ______  (do) at the same time?
    was flying....were you doing
  • He ......... (break) his leg while he ..................... (ski) in the Alps.
    broke...was skiing
  • It .......................... (rain) when we came out of the shopping center.
    was raining
  • Last Friday, Mandy ............... (study) for an exam for three hours.
    was studying
  • The girls ............................ (surf) all moring yesterday when a boat ........ (pass_ them.
    were surfing....passed
  • When I ......... (walk) into the room, the children ................ (write) all over the walls!
    walked...were writing
  • Make a sentence with the simple past and past continuous.
  • They.......... (play) volleyball when the sun ......... (go) down.
    were playing....went
  • What ________ you doing last night at 9 o'clock? I ................. (watch) TV.
    were watching
  • I was sitting in the garden while the birds ................... (sing) beautifully.
    were singing