
Funny Riddles

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  • When do you go at red and stop at green?
    When you are eating a watermelon.
  • What did the apple say to the banana?
    Nothing! Apples don't talk.
  • Before Mountain Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
    Mountain Everest. It just wasn’t discovered yet.
  • In what glasses shouldn’t you pour apple juice?
    The already full ones.
  • What has ten letters and starts with gas?
    An automobile.
  • What kind of a key opens a banana?
    A monkey.
  • How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?
    Add the letter 'G' and it becomes Gone.
  • Why is the letter T like an island?
    Because it's in the middle of water.
  • A man purchased a $20,000 car but he didn’t have to pay a penny. How did he do it?
    He didn’t have to pay a penny, he had to pay $20,000
  • What does a cat have that no other animal has?
  • Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?
    Forward I am ton, backwards I am not.
  • A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?
    They won't get a banana out of a coconut tree!
  • Seven ladies tried to fit under a small umbrella, none of them got wet. How did they do it?
    It wasn't raining!
  • What spends all the time on the floor but never gets dirty?
    Your shadow.
  • A bus driver goes the wrong way on a one way street. He passes the cops but they don’t stop him. Why?
    He was walking.
  • Why did the man go to bed?
    Because the bed can't come to him.