
Guess That /r/ Blend

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  • What do you called a large group of people?
    You call it a crowd.
  • What does a baby sleep in?
    A baby sleeps in a crib.
  • What do you use to make toast?
    You use bread to make toast.
  • What is made from potatoes and you can order it from McDonald's?
    French fries are made out of potatoes.
  • What do you called having courage?
    This is called bravery.
  • What fruit is made into raisins?
    Grapes dried and made into raisins.
  • How do you get better at a skill?
    Practicing helps you get better at a skill.
  • What color is money and grass?
    Both are green.
  • What do you call weaving long hair together?
    It is called a braid.
  • What has a trunk, branches and leaves?
    A tree has a trunk, branches, and leaves.
  • What do you eat in the morning?
    I eat breakfast in the morning.
  • What do you use to stop your car?
    Brakes stop your car.
  • What do you get on your birthday?
    You get presents on your birthday.
  • What instrument do you beat with your hands or sticks?
    You beat a drum with your hands or drumsticks.
  • What do you mow?
    You mow the grass.
  • What can you jump on in your backyard?
    You can jump on a trampoline.
  • What has claws and lives in or near the ocean?
    A crab lives near the ocean.
  • Who do you hang out with?
    I hang out with my friend(s).