
what's it called

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  • True or False Weedicide and pesticides are natural and free from all chemicals
  • Agents of pollination
    wind , water and insect
  • First step of agriculture
    Soil prepartion
  • Name this method
    Sprinkler Irrigation method
  • seeds can be sown by two ways
    manually and using machines called seed drills
  • Function of micropyle in seed
    a tiny opening through which seed can absorb water.
  • They are often brightly colored or unusually shaped to attract pollinators
  • Name other parts of plant other than seed capable of growing new plant?
    stem , root and leaves
  • Peas , pulses and beans have _____ cotyledons.
  • Why kharif crops are usually sown in beginning of monsoon ? Give examples
    It needs plenty of water . cotton , maize , soyabean , sunflower , paddy , maize
  • State True or False if False correct statement Weeds are good for the crops as they provide them all the nutrients
    False Unwanted plant growing among crops and compete for water , space , light and nutrients
  • Mention the time period for Rabi crop and examples
    Nov - April Beans , pea , barley , oats , gram , wheat , mustard
  • How animals can disperse seed?
    seeds cling on animal's skin and seeds come out of their bodies in their dropings.
  • Functions of all parts of female plant
    Stigma - sticky substance receives pollen grain style - Supports stigma ovary - produces egg
  • Give one way to prevent soil erosion
  • function of male flower parts
    anther - produces pollen grains use in pollination filament - support to the anther
  • pea , peanut and castor are the example of seed dispersal by
  • What protects the flower before it blossoms?
  • reproduction take place in bryophyllum?
  • Define stem - cutting and example
    rose , money plant a part of stem containing bud is cut and planted in soil.
  • Function of the seed coat?
    To protect the seed from environmental conditions , drying up and attack of fungi.
  • Cutting, layering, and grafting are examples of
    Artifical Vegetative propagation
  • What makes up the female parts of the flower
    style , stigma and ovary
  • What types of seeds are carried by the wind?
    very light, wing hairy , seeds with hairy parachutes
  • Name the agents of seed dispersal
    water , wind , animal and explosion.
  • advantage of crop rotation
    to increase soil fertility
  • Anther and stigma is a part of
    Anther - male stigma - female
  • What is pollination
    The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma
  • Name this process of vegetative propagation and examples?
    Grafting apple , mango and rose
  • A tuber bud in potato also known as
  • First part to appear when a seed germinates.
    Primary root / radicle