
Flyers-Reading part 1 Guessing game

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  • This person work in an office and uses a computer.
    A secretary
  • Which planet is closest to the sun?
  • This is often make from fruit and sugar and some people eat it on bread.
  • You can write about your day, your friends or your family in this. It is a kind of book.
    ~ A diary ~
  • In this place, toys and televisions are made, for example.
    A factory
  • What is the book you are studying? Let me know the content.
    Student answer
  • What can we do to protect wildlife? Three measures.
    Student answer
  • Women usually wear these on their feet and legs under a skirt or a dress.
  • You study a lot of subjects in this place. It has classrooms, and teachers work there.
  • In 2017, which natural disasters often occur in Vietnam?
  • Beans, peas and carrots are examples of these. They are very good for you.
  • You can wear this round the top of your trousers.
    A belt
  • If you eat in a restaurant, this person usually brings the food to your table.
    A waiter '-'
  • You can read about things that happen in the world in these every day. Journalists write for them.
    Newspapers ^^
  • This is white. Some people put it on their food before they eat it.