
Flyers-Reading Part1 Guessing Game

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  • This is usually in the kitchen and it is very cold inside.
    A fridge
  • This is usually made of metal. You cut things with it.
    A knife
  • You wear these on your hands.
  • People go there to see interesting things from different centuries.
    A museum
  • You can wear on of these round your neck if it is cold. They are often made of wool.
  • This is a place which you go to if you want to catch a plane.
    An airport
  • You can wear on of these round your neck if it is cold. They are often made of wood.
  • Girls and women sometimes wear these on their legs under their skirts.
  • This white or black bird has a long neck and lives on a river or lake.
    A swan
  • This animal lived a long time ago, but now it is extinct.
    A dinosaur
  • This animal lived a long time ago, but now it is extinct.
    A dinosaur