
Intelligent Business

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  • A __________ ____________ is some one who develops software.
    software developer
  • A person who works for a company is: a) employer ; b) employee ; c) jober ; d) work
    b) employee
  • Pi or 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971... is an example of a ____________.
  • If you buy something from amazon, coupang, or gmarket you are doing this.
    online shopping
  • Companies and organizations collect and store information. This information that is collected and stored is called ___________.
  • A secret code that you use to sign in to websites and email is called a _____________.
  • A person who works in banking is called a _________ .
  • A person who does art is called a(n) ___________.
  • google, naver, and bing are all examples of _________ ____________.
    search engines.
  •,, and are all examples of __________.
  • Lee Byung Chul was the ____________ of samsung.
  • Speak the number... 754, 320
    Seven hundred fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty
  • A person who works in the field of economics is called an ____________.
  • Jobs and tasks that an employee has are _______________. a) works ; b) stuff ; c) responsibilities ; d) business.
    c) responsibilities
  • A __________ _____________ is some one who produces films.
    film producer
  • Speak the number: 6, 574, 300
    Six million, five hundred and seventy-four thousand, three hundred
  • A financial __________ is some one who gives advice about financial services.
  • Manufacturing, producing, and providing services are all examples of a company's ______________.
  • A ______________ _____________ offers consultancy services to management.
    management consultant
  • Express 0.5 as a fraction and as a percentage: ___________ ; ___________
    1/2 ; 50%
  • A person who works in engineering is called a(n) _______________.
  • Speak the number ... 9, 768, 542, 923
    Nine billion, Seven hundred and sixty-eight million, Five hundred and forty-two thousand, Nine Hundred and twenty three
  • A person who does a technical job is called a ____________ .
  • I T = ______________ _______________.
    Information Technology
  • Express 20% as a decimal and as a fraction: _________ ; _________
    0.2 ; 1/5
  • Express the following fraction as a decimal and as a percentage: 3/4: ________ ; __________
    0.75 ; 75%
  • An ____________ manager is some one who helps the manager. a) assistant ; b) analyst ; c) development ; d) economic
    a) assistant
  • 1/2 is ... a) a decimal ; b) an expression ; c) a percentage ; d) a fraction
    d) a fraction