
Project 2, Introduction

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    What's your email address?
    What's your email address?
  • 62F 56Rd
    What's your postcode?
  • 6Rd 54
    What's your postcode?
  • Fifty-one, Baker Street.
    What's your addres?
  • 89229873255
    What's your phone number?
    What's your email addreess?
  • I'm interested in swimming and volleyball.
    What sport and activities are you interested in?
  • Mary Thomson
    What's your name?
  • I'm 11.
    How old are you?
  • 34 Elm Roaad
    Whats' you eddress?
  • Oliver Gerrard.
    What's your name?
  • It's 0243 87239
    What's your phone number?
  • I'm twelve.
    How old are you?