
Past Perfect vs. Past Simple

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  • He .......... (study) English before you .........(move) to New York.
    had studied, moved
  • When I..... home yesterday, my mum ......... dinner.
    got, had made
  • Sophie...... (feel) nervous because she......(not appear) in court before.
    felt, hadn't appeared
  • When we .............. (arive) at my parent’s house, they ________ (leave)
    arrived , had leaft
  • The plane .......... (leave) by the time I ........ (get) to the airport.
    had left, got
  • It .............. (snow) in the night, so the bus ............... (not/ arrive).
    had snowed, didn't arrive
  • When she..... (get) home, the police...... (already/call) her three times.
    got, had already called
  • The police......(arrest) a man after they......(search)
    arrested, had searched
  • Julie.....(not recognize) the suspect because she.... (change) the haircut
    didn't recognize, had grown
  • When the police .....(arrive) at the house, the burglar.....(disappear).
    arrived, had disappeared
  • I..........(eat) dinner so I .......... (not / to be) hungry.
    had eaten, wasn't hungry
  • I .......... (never see ) such a beautiful beach before I ........ (go) to Spain.
    had never seen , went
  • My aunt ........(to fly) to Paris last year. She (never / go) on a plane before that.
    flew, had never gone
  • When we............... (arrive) , the train......... (leave).
    arrived, had left
  • I ________ (just / buy) a dress when a thief _______ (steal) my bag.
    had just bought, stole
  • Dave suddenly .......... (remember) that he............ (not lock) the door.
    remembered, hadn't locked