
Review 9th grade - 3° term (CSP)

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  • Complete with the correct verb tense (conditionals): If you ___ , we ___ the bus. (not hurry/ miss)
    If you don't hurry, we will miss the bus.
  • Agree with the sentence (use so/neither): Joe likes sleeping in on Saturdays.
    So do I.
  • Complete with one word (vocabulary): If you give confort, you ___ someone to feel better.
  • Complete with the correct verb tense (conditionals): If you ____ it, she ___ very upset. (forget / be)
    If you forget it, she will be very upset.
  • Complete the tag question: You don't want to go to Italy...
    do you?
  • Agree with the sentence (use so/neither): I don't like shopping.
    Neither do I
  • Complete with one word (vocabulary): A f___ provides money for people in need.
  • Answer with one word (vocabulary): A continuous period of very hot weather.: ____ wave
    HEAT wave.
  • Complete the tag question: She worked in Rome...
    didn't she?
  • Complete with the correct verb tense (conditionals): John ___ better grades if he __ harder. (get / study)
    John will get better grades if he studies harder.
  • Complete with one word (vocabulary): the _____ is the radio, the TV, and the newspaper.
  • Answer with one word (vocabulary): A long period with no rain.
  • Complete the tag question: You aren't an au pair...
    are you?
  • Complete with the correct verb tense (conditionals): If Sally ___ all the cake, she___ sick. (eat / get)
    If Sally eats all the cake, she will get sick.
  • Agree with the sentence (use so/neither): My parents have already given me an answer.
    So have mine.
  • Use a phrasal verb to substitute the highlighted word: I ENTERED the bus and sat down.
    Got on.
  • Use a phrasal verb to substitute the highlighted word: She is RETURNING from Europe next month.
    Coming back.
  • Agree with the sentence (use so/neither): Sharon can't find her ticket.
    Neither can I.
  • Complete with one word (vocabulary): A blockbuster is a very successful _____.
  • Answer with one word (vocabulary): A situation where water from a river or rain covers areas of land.
  • Agree with the sentence (use so/neither): I haven't taken the class yet.
    Neither have I.
  • Answer with one word (vocabulary): to be very, very cold.
  • Use a phrasal verb to substitute the highlighted word: Everyone EXITED the boat safely.
    Got off
  • Complete with one word (vocabulary): An ___ is a book written by you about your life.
  • Complete with one word (vocabulary): We take ___ to cure bacterial illnesses and infections.
  • Complete with the correct verb tense (conditionals): If it ___ tomorrow, we ___ tennis (rain / not play)
    If it rains tomorrow, we won't play tennis.
  • Complete the tag question: You can speak Italian...
    can't you?
  • Answer with one word (vocabulary): A fire that starts in an area of the countryside and spreads quickly.
  • Complete with an expression (vocabulary): If you r__ a b____, you are responsible for it.
  • Complete the tag question: Your sister was an au pair...
    wasn't she?