
Motivate 2 Unit 6 Jobs YE2

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  • takes care of sick people in a hospital
    What is a NURSE?
  • treats people's teeth
    What is a DENTIST?
  • studies at a college, university, or school
    What is a STUDENT?
  • installs and repairs electrical equipment
    What is an ELECTRICIAN?
  • designs houses and buildings
    What is an ARCHITECT?
  • designs and builds machines and roads
    What is an ENGINEER?
  • repairs vehicles and machines
    What is a MECHANIC?
  • plays professional sports
    What is a SPORTSPERSON? (professional athlete)
  • performs operations to treat injuries and diseases
    What is a SURGEON?
  • helps and saves people at a swimming pool or beach
    What is a LIFEGUARD?
  • helps sick animals
    What is a VET?
  • instructs or trains others and works in a school
    What is a TEACHER?
  • acts in movies and plays
    What is an ACTOR?
  • enforces laws and protects people from criminals
    What is a POLICE OFFICER?