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Food Riddles

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I get chewed and chewed but never swallowed or eaten. I'm always thrown away whenever I'm bitten
Clean and clear I'm the healthiest drink there is far or near
You can eat me for breakfast or lunch. Veggies or meat, peanut butter and jelly we are a great team
There’s white and milk and dark, these three types you might eat. During Halloween you tend to eat many a treat
I am not just eaten at Thanksgiving , some prefer me to chicken
You might pick up one of these when you go out to a patch. Carve it, put in a candle and then light it with a match 
I am a fruit that’s red, that’s often used in a smoothie. I have seeds on my outside and often made into jam and jelly.
Beef or beans,  tomatoes, lettuce, cheese in a hard or soft shell
This is something that grows on a tree, it is a fruit that is green or red. One of these once fell on Newton’s head.
If you’re craving some fast food, then this cheesy pie might grant your wish. Topped with sauce and pepperoni it sure is a tasty dish. 
I’m something that is sticky, I’m something that is sweet. I’m made by more than one bee, I’m something that you eat.
If you go see a movie, you have to get some of this. And then add butter or salt for a taste that’s simply bliss.
There are many types of this grain wild, brown and white to name a few. People eat it cooked with veggies or just by itself
In a bowl you may use a spoon, on a cone you give a lick. This frozen dairy dessert has many flavors you can pick.
Ice cream
I am sometimes made of sugar and sometimes of oatmeal. Chocolate chip ones taste so good, it could be your favorite dessert
Rabbits like to eat me when I grow in a field. This orange vegetable tastes best when it is peeled.
I am a yellow fruit that you might eat at lunch. When there’s a group of me, we are known as a bunch.
This is a root vegetable that can be red, white or green. It can make you cry a lot even though it is not mean.
With red and white stripes, it’s something you lick despite it looking like a hockey stick.
Candy Cane
This is something yellow, but it is not a light. It is a sour fruit and its juice tastes great on a summer afternoon