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Present Continuous Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are we doing now?
We are getting married now.
Is my grandpa vaccuming fishing at the moment?
Yes, he is.
Is Archie vaccuming her room?
Yes, he is.
What is my son doing?
He's listening music.
Is Victoria baking bread now?
Yes, she is.
Are they swimming right now?
No,they aren't. They're hiking.
What is Olivia doing at present?
She's cooking at present.
Are Sofia, Aldo and Emily going shopping?
Yes, they are.
Is Emma drinking milk?
No, she isn't. She's drining water.
Is Jerry babysitting his nephew now?
Yes, he is.
What is your dog doing at the moment?
My dog is sleeping at the moment.
What is Johnny doing right now?
Johnny is doing homework with his friends right now.
What are they doing now?
They're listening music.
What are you doing?
I'm eating a yummy sandwich.
Who ____ you ____ to? (call)
Who are you calling to?
The waiter____ today in the bar. (not/work)
The waiter isn't working today in the bar.
Who ____ a bike? (ride)
Who is riding a bike?
The kids ____ at the beach. (swim)
The kids are swimming at the beach.
The maid ____ the floor. (not/sweep)
The maid isn't sweeping the floor.
What ____ Camila ____ right right now? (drink)
What is Camila drinking right now?
Buddy and Marco ____ for the science test. (study)
Buddy and Marco are studying for the science test.
Nico and Amy ____ some oranges to make orange juice now. (squeeze)
Nico and Amy are squeezing some oranges to make orange juice now.