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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The dogs dish was full of bone’s
The dog’s dish was full of bones.
What reason did he come here for?
For what reason did he come here?
The dad found the boy, and he was happy.
The dad was happy when he found the boy.
At eight years old, my father gave me a pony for Christmas.
When I was eight years old, my father gave me a pony for Christmas.
My mothers cabin is next to his' cabin.
My mothers cabin is next to his cabin.
Rachel is very smart, she began reading when she was three years old.
Rachel is very smart; she began reading when she was three years old.
Choose among the red or the black card.
Choose between the red or the black card.
I have no farther questions.
I have no further questions.
This wine selection will compliment the red meat in your meal.
This wine selection will complement the red meat in your meal.
Assure you're free when I visit next weekend.
Ensure you're free when I visit next weekend.
I should of done my laundry on Sunday.
I should have done my laundry on Sunday.
I should of done my laundry on Sunday.
I should have done my laundry on Sunday.
My dinner was better then yours.
My dinner was better than yours.
Where did you loose your gloves?
Where did you lose your gloves?
Joseph walked in to the office.
Joseph walked into the office.
You'll need to a lot $20 for gas.
You'll need to allot $20 for gas
Who's sweater is that?
Whose sweater is that?
Lindsay is a blogger that likes ice cream.
Lindsay is a blogger who likes ice cream.
When you get done with that lab report, can you send it to Bill and I?
When you get done with that lab report, can you send it to Bill and me?
That movie effected me greatly.
That movie affected me greatly.
To keep up with their changing audience, Southwest Airlines rebranded in 2014.
To keep up with its changing audience, Southwest Airlines rebranded in 2014.
After declining for months, Jean tried a new tactic to increase ROI.
Jean tried a new tactic to increase ROI after it had been declining for months.
Every boy must sign in when they arrive.
Every boy must sign in when he arrives.
He almost walked for the entire day.
He walked for almost the entire day.
It was a real nice day today.
It was a really nice day today.
It was much hotter today.
It was much hotter today than yesterday
Can I have you’re coat?
Can I have your coat?
Do you know when your going?
Do you know when you're going?