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Object Pronouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I know Sam and Rob. I study with ____ (they).
I know Sam and Rob. I study with them.
I call ____ (he) when I need his help.
I call him when I need his help.
I need to tell ____ (you) something.
I need to tell you something.
Music is energy for ____ (she).
Music is energy for her.
This concert is very important for ____ (we).
This concert is very important for us.
We need to work with ____ (you).
We need to work with you.
I'm free tonight. Do you want to watch Netflix with ____ (I)?
I'm free tonight. Do you want to watch Netflix with me?
Our neighbors are very unfriendly. They never speak to ____ (we).
Our neighbors are very unfriendly. They never speak to us.
Your bank manager called. He needs to speak to ____ (you).
Your bank manager called. He needs to speak to you.
It's a great song. I love ____ (it)!
It's a great song. I love it!
Could you pass the coffee to ____ (she)?
Could you pass the coffee to her?
Is that chocolate ice cream for ____ (I)?
Is that chocolate ice cream for me?
Do you like blueberries? I love ____ (they).
Do you like blueberries? I love them.
This fruit is poisoned! Don't eat ____ (it) .
This fruit is poisoned! Don't eat it .
My mother is fantastic! I like ____ (she) very much.
My mother is fantastic! I like her very much.
"Where are my glasses?" "You are wearing ____ (they)."
"Where are my glasses?" "You are wearing them."
Sophia doesn't like ____ (he).
Sophia doesn't like him.
The dog licks ____ (he).
The dog licked him.
The minion hugs ____ (it).
The minion hugs it.
I give ____ (they) cookies every week.
I give them cookies every week.
Isabella always writes e-mails to ____ (we).
Isabella always writes e-mails to us.
I like you but you don't like ____ (I).
I like you but you don't like me.