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Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yesterday for three hours, my son and I ___________________ our house.
have been cleaning
are cleaning
been cleaning
My son and I ____________ (be) in Durham last night.
THIS WEEK, my children _____________ (go / not) to school because it ______ (be) Spring Break.
are not going...is
On Fridays, my husband__________(go) shopping, but last Friday, he ______ (stay) home.
Dan and I ......... (break) the window yesterday.
For five years, I __________ (lived) in Raleigh.  I really like it!.
have lived
I enjoy ____________ (eat) chocolate.
Is... baking....
I ..... (not/dance) at the moment.
am not dancing
They ....... (not/go) to class last Friday.
didn't go
You ........ (ride) a bike yesterday.
Tom ....... (not/be) at work last weekend.
I ............ (not/like) strawberries.
don't like
........ Pam ....... (work) in a bank?
Does.... work....
Mike and Susan ...... (not/live) in Raleigh.
don't live
......... you ........ with your boss yesterday?
Did..... meet...
He ________________ (talk) to customer right now.
is talking
Make a sentence in the simple past and in the negative.
__________ you at work yesterday?