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One Day - Chapter 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false? He made tea.
False. He made coffee.
What's his cat's name?
We don't know.
We open and close curtains. We _____ and _____ shades.
We open and close curtains. We raise and lower shades.
What is another way to say "line up?"
to get in line
I _____ ready _____ leave.
I got ready to leave.
I _____ the glass _____.
I put the glass down.
I _____ a _____ of juice.
I poured a glass of juice.
I _____a sip.
I took a sip.
I _____ my cup.
I filled my cup.
I _____ my phone.
I grabbed my phone.
I yawned and _____.
I yawned and stretched.
I _____ dressed.
I got dressed.
I _____ _____ shower.
I took a shower.
I _____ _____ teeth.
I brushed my teeth.
I _____ the shades.
I raised the shades.
I got _____ of bed.
I got out of bed.
Were they able to find seats on the bus?
Yes, they were.
Were they the only people at the bus stop?
No, there were other people there.
Did he remember to lock the door?
Yes he did. He locked it.
Who did he kneel down to pet?
He knelt down to pet his cat.
Did he button up his coat?
No, he didn't. He zipped it up.
Why did he heat up water?
He heated up water to make coffee.
Did he brush his hair?
No, he didn't. He combed it.
What day was it?
It was Monday.
I ______ my eyes.
I rubbed my eyes.
My alarm went _____.
My alarm went off.
The Sun _____ up.
The Sun came up.