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Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of the Baskerville ...

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Why did Laura Lyons ask Sir Charles to help her?
to help her get a divorce from her husband
Who was Roger Baskerville?
Stapleton's father and Sir Charles' brother
What kind of trees lined the Alley at Baskerville Hall?
yew trees
In what year was Sir Hugo the head of the Baskerville family?
How did Stapleton die?
He sank in the marsh
Why did Stapleton want to kill Sir Charles and Sir Henry?
So he could inherit Baskerville Hall
What did Holmes do to the hound before it killed Sir Henry?
He shot it
What did Stapleton put on the hound?
special paint
Why did Seldon die?
because he was wearing Sir Henry's clothes
Where does Holmes hide when he stays on the moor?
an old hut
What was Barrymore holding in the window?
a light
What was taken from Sir Henry's hotel room?
one of his shoes
How did Sir Charles feel just before he died?
What was Sir Hugo killed by?
a hound