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Do or does?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________ her cat drink milk? [Do / Does]
Does her cat drink milk?
_________ your parents work at the hospital? [Do / Does]
Do your parents work at the hospital?
_________ your sister play tennis? [Do / Does]
Does your sister play tennis?
________ your pen work? [Do / Does]
Does your pen work?
___________ the dog swim? [Do / Does]
Does the dog swim?
__________ she ride her bike to school? [Do / Does]
Does she ride her bike to school?
_________ you drink Coca-cola? [Do / Does]
Do you drink Coca-cola?
________ you do your homework every day? [Do / Does]
Do you do your homework every day?
________ they work at the bank? [Do / Does]
Do they work at the bank?
________ we go to school on Saturdays? [Do / Does]
Do we go to school on Saturdays?
_______ you sit next to your best friend in English class? [Do / Does]
Do you sit next to your best friend in English class?
____________ Mary and Sara have breakfast together? [Do / Does]
Do Mary and Sara have breakfast together? 
___________ Daniel play the guitar? [Do / Does]
Does Daniel play the guitar?
_______ he like football? [Do / Does]
Does he like football?
__________ you watch TV on Mondays? [Do / Does]
Do you watch TV on Mondays?