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Where's the Mistake?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Listening to loud music slowly gives me a headache.
When I listen to loud music, I slowly develop a headache.
Jack made a water pail with his own hands for Jill.
Jack made a water pail for Jill.
Sam could of received an A on his essay, but he made too many grammatical mistakes.
Sam could have received an A on his essay, but he made too many grammatical mistakes.
He was very hungry, he ate a whole pizza.
He was very hungry, so he ate a whole pizza.
He was laying on the couch.
He was lying on the couch.
I was working when the phone was ringing.
I was working when the phone rang.
There are too of them.
There are two of them.
Did you here that sound?
Did you hear that sound?
Every boy must sign in when they arrive.
Every boy must sign in when he arrives.
He almost walked for the entire day.
He walked for almost the entire day.
I ran quick to the bus stop.
I ran quickly to the bus stop
It was much hotter today.
It was much hotter today than yesterday.
Their going to be here soon.
They're going to be here soon.
Can we use there house?
Can we use their house?
Whose jean's are these?
Whose jeans are these?
Do you know when your going?
Do you know when you're going?