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Use a good idiom

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We both agree that Coke tastes better than Pepsi. We really
see eye to eye
I will always be here for you.
Come rain or shine
I can't decide if I should wear my blue shoes or my red shoes. I am really
on the fence
He wasn't supposed to tell you about the surprise party. I can't believe that
he spilled the beans, you let the cat out of bag
I have never written a short story. I would like to practice.
get my feet wet
I will never, ever dance in the talent show. That will happen when
pigs fly
I am too sick to go to school. I am
As sick as a dog, under the weather
I am supposed to sing in the school talent show. I feel so nervous
I have butterflies in my stomach
I don't want to know about it. Please don't ask her what happened at the party. That will only
open up a can of worms.
I really don't want to go to this new school, I will feel awkward like a
fish out of water
What do you mean you threw away my favorite shoes! I am so mad!
I am going to blow my top!
You look kind of sad
are you feeling blue,
Please don't talk to me this morning, I am feeling so grumpy
I got up on the wrong side of the bed.
My homework is due tomorrow. I had better
get the ball rolling
The garden I planted has so many beautiful flowers. I have
A green thumb