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U.S. Customary Measurement

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs. Gilchrist poured 8 cups of tea from her favorite teapot. How many quarts of tea does her teapot hold?
The teapot holds 2 quarts of tea.
Mrs. Walston made 3 gallons of vegetable soup, but she only has pint containers. How many pint containers does she use to store the soup?
She uses 24 pint containers.
4 cups = ? fluid ounces
32 fluid ounces
1 gallon = ? cups
16 cups
4 tons = ? pounds
8,000 pounds
How many quarts are in 10 pints?
5 quarts
How many gallons does it take to hold 8 quarts?
2 gallons
How many pints are in 6 cups?
3 pints
Which unit does NOT measure weight?
A gallon
Which unit does NOT measure capacity?
D ounce (fluid ounce goes with capacity)
Which unit does NOT measure length?
B pound
How many yards are in 45 feet?
15 yards
How many pounds are in 32 ounces?
2 pounds
How many ounces are in 10 pounds?
16 x 10 = 160 ounces
An adult male hippopotamus can grow to 3 tons. How many pounds does it way?
6,000 pounds
If 2 pints of milk were spilled, how many fluid ounces would that be?
16 fluid ounces
A whole bunch of people decided to ride the train for 10 miles instead of walking. How many yards did they travel?
They traveled 17,600 yards.
The heaviest pumpkin ever grown weighed 2,624 pounds. How many ounces did the pumpkin weigh?
The pumpkin weighed 41,984 ounces
Walker made a road that was 3 miles long. How long is the road in yards?
5,280 yards
Jessica's cat weighs 144 ounces. What is the cat's weight in pounds?
Jessica's cat weighs 9 pounds.
A baby and a monkey were in a crawling race. The baby crawled for 10 feet and 10 inches and the monkey crawled for 120 inches. Who crawled the longest length?
The baby crawled 130 inches and won!
Vivaan's swimming pool is 42 feet wide. What is the width in yards?
Vivaan's pool is 14 yards wide.
Guinevere has 6 feet of fabric. How much would that be in inches?
Guinevere has 72 inches of fabric.
Carter ran 12 yards down the soccer field. What is the distance in feet?
Carter ran 36 feet.
Ricky Rooster kicked a soccer ball 108 inches. How many feet did he kick the ball?
9 feet