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English Grammar in Use - Unit 3 - P. Simple and  ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I usually enjoy parties, but ____________ (I / enjoy) this one very much.
I usually enjoy parties, but I am not enjoying this one very much.
'What _____________ (your brother / do)?' 'He is a firefighter.'
'What does your brother do?' 'He is a firefighter.'
Sonia ___________ (look) for a place to live now.
Sonia is looking for a place to live now.
My parents ____________ in Saigon. Where ___________ ?
live ~ do your parents live
are living ~ do your parents live
Usually, ______________ work at five, but this week ___________ until six to earn a little more money.
I finish ~ I am working
I am finishing ~ I work
I finish ~ I work
I am finishing ~ I work
'Can you drive?' '___________. My father _____________ me.'
I am learning ~ My father is teaching me
I learn ~ My father is teaching me
I am learning ~ My father teaches me
I learn ~ My father teaches me
Rachel is in New York right now. ______________ at the Park Hotel. _____________ there when she's in New York.
She is staying ~ She always stays
She stays ~ She is always staying
'How's your English?' 'Not bad. I think _____________ slowly.
it is improving
it improves
___________ vegetables in our garden, but this year _____________ any.
We usually grow ~ We are not growing
We are usually growing ~ We are not growing
The river _____________ very fast today - much faster than usual.
is flowing
The River Nile _____________ into the Mediterranean Sea.
is flowing
'__________________ to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.'
Do you listen
Are you listening
'______________ to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.'
Are you listening
Do you listen
Hurry up! ___________________ for you.
Everybody is waiting
Everybody waits
They don't get on well. ______________.
They always argue.
They are always arguing.
Paul is never late. __________ to work on time.
He always gets
He is always getting
(FIX) 'Hurry up! It's time to leave!' 'OK, I come.'
'Hurry up! It's time to leave!' 'Ok, I'm coming.'
I usually ________ to work by car.
am going
(FIX) I must go now. It gets late.
I must go now. It's getting late.
The moon _____ round the Earth in about 27 days.
is going
(FIX) Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
Can you hear these people? What are they talking about?
(FIX) Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.
Look! That man is trying to open the door of your car.
(FIX) The water boils. Can you turn it off?
The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?