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3° ESO Unit 3 review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jackie is brave, but Paula is braver. Jackie is ______ ______ ______ _____ Paula (not courageous)
Jackie is NOT / isN'T AS COURAGEOUS AS Paula
Too / (not) enough. She didn't go to the party because she was _____ tired.
She was TOO tired
Too / (not) enough: Rick didn't win the race. He was ______ fast _____.
He was NOT / wasN'T fast ENOUGH
Avocadoes cost €4 per kilo but blueberries cost €8 per kilo. Avocadoes are ______ ______ ______ ______ blueberries (not expensive)
Avocadoes are NOT AS EXPENSIVE AS blueberries
Rob weighs 85kg and Keith also weighs 85kg. Rob is ______ heavy ______ Keith.
Rob is AS heavy AS Keith.
You can count on Lucy to help you when you need help. She is very COURAGEOUS / RELIABLE / NASTY.
The plot of the film is very silly. In fact, it's CURIOUS / RELIABLE / RIDICULOUS
Karen is 15, Matt is 16, and Diana is 18. Karen is ______ _______ person in the group (young)
Karen is THE YOUNGEST person in the group.
My new car is ______   ______ than my old car (efficient).
My new car is MORE EFFICIENT than my old car.
Karen is friendly and kind. She is a very CURIOUS/PLEASANT/SELFISH person.
Mick never considers other people's feelings. He is very CURIOUS/PLEASANT/SELFISH
Carla is 15 and Andrés is 13. Carla is two years ______ ______ Andrés (old).
Carla is two years OLDER THAN Andrés
Too / (not) enough: These shoes are ______ small. I need a bigger size!
These shoes are TOO small.
Rachel is the ______  ______ person in her class (cheerful). She is always in a good mood..
Rachel is the MOST CHEERFUL person in her class
The exam is easy! It is _____ as ______  ______ I expected (not difficult)
It is NOT as DIFFICULT AS I expected
Tanya is always honest. She is a very RELIABLE / CHEERFUL / SINCERE person
The Incredible Hulk is ______ _______ Spiderman (strong)
The Incredible Hulk is STRONGER THAN Spiderman
Lucas is the ________ person I know (tidy). I have never met anybody as tidy as him
Lucas is the TIDIEST person I know
Too/ (not) enough: Ouch, I burnt my tongue! The soup is ______ hot
The soup is TOO hot
This is the opposite of "tidy":    m _ _ _ _
Too/ (not) enough: That jacket costs €100. It's ______ expensive. I don't have _______ money
That jacket costs €100. It's TOO expensive. I don't have ENOUGH money
This word means "unpleasant": NASTY/NEAT/PROUD
I think "Dr. Strange" is ______  ______ than "The Avengers". (interesting)
I think "Dr. Strange" is MORE INTERESTING than "The Avengers"
I'm not as _____  _____ my brother (tall)
I'm not as TALL AS my brother
Paco is always worried. He's a very COURAGEOUS/ANXIOUS/NEAT person