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Food & Drinks + Simple Present

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ you ____ (like) ... ?
Do you like carrot cake? Yes, I like carrot cake. / No, I don't like carrot cake.
____ the teacher ____ (prefer) ...?
Does the teacher prefer black coffee? Yes, the teacher prefers black coffee.
____ you ____ (have) a lot of ... at home?
Do you have a lot of tins at home? Yes, I have a lot o tins at home. / No, I don't have a lot of tins at home.
____ we ____ (have) good ... in our country?
Do we have good fruit in our country? Yes, we have good fruit in our country.
___ they ____ (eat) a lot of ... in Japan?
Do they eat a lot of rice in Japan? Yes, they eat a lot of rice in Japan.
____ you ____ (eat) a lot of...?
Do you eat a lot of vegetables? Yes, I eat a lot of vegetables. / No, I don't eat a lot of vegetables.
___ your best friend ____ (like) ...?
Does your best friend like hot dogs? Yes, my best friend likes hot dogs. / No, my best friend doesn't like hot dogs.
____ your mother ____ (drink) ...?
Does your mother drink wine? Yes, my mother drinks wine. / No, my mother doesn't drink wine.
____ you ____ (drink) a lot of ...?
Do you drink a lot of water? Yes, I drink a lot of water. / No, I don't drink a lot of water.
___ you ____ (like) ...?
Do you like butter? Yes, I like butter. / No, I don't like butter.
____ you ____ (eat) a lot of ...?
Do you eat a lot of spaghetti? Yes, I eat a lot of spaghetti. / No, I don't eat a lot of spaghetti.
___ the teacher ____ (like) ...?
Does the teacher like popcorn? Yes, the teacher likes popcorn.
___ your mother ___ (like) ...?
Does your mother like sushi? Yes, my mother likes sushi. / No, my mother doesn't like sushi.
____ you ____ (like) ...?
Do you like brown bread rolls? Yes, I like brown bread rolls. / No, I don't like brown bread rolls.