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A scary story

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You get out of the water and dinally find the park again, phew! what a night!
The bridge falls and you fall in the river, quick! Swim to the shore
You follow a stream and find a river, but you need to cross an old rickety bridge, carefully cross the bridge
Then the wizard tells you, to escape you must find the river and follow the river out of the forest
Finally he wants to knwo your 5 favourite food
Then he wants you to tell him 5 scary animals
First he wants you to describe the scariest thing you can think of
He will tell you how to escape the forest, but you must answer his questions
Inside there is an old wizard, what do you want to ask him?
You see there is someone in the house so you knock on the door
You get down from the tree as fast as you can and run towards a house in the distance
You climb the tree but at the top there is a snake
You run away from the dragon and think if you can climb a tree you might be able to find your way back to the park
You find somewhere to rest in the cave, but then you hear more noises, a dragon appears in front of you! You need to run back out of the cave
You see a cave and think it's a good place to hide from the monster
You need to run away as fast as you can!
You see the scariest monster every, it's absolutely terrifying, tell me how it looks
You hear a noise coming from the trees, what do you think it is?
You try to go back to the park but you are lost, the sun is setting and it's starting to get dark are you scared?
You are walking in the park and suddenly you find yourself lost in a big scary forest