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How much food are these people eating?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many donuts is he eating?
A large number of donuts/Many donuts
How many pancakes is he eating?
A lot of pancakes
How much food is he eating?
A lot of food/ Too much food
How many crisps is she eating?
Some crisps/ A few crisps
How many apples is Pikachu eating?
One apple/ An apple
How many crisps is she eating?
All of them, A packet
How much cake are they eating?
A large amount of cake/ Most of the cake
How much Ice Cream is Bart eating?
A lot/ Too much
How much pizza is he eating?
Some pizza/ A slice of pizza/ A little pizza
How much chocolate are they eating?
A little/ A piece
How much cake are they eating?
A tiny amount/ A tiny slice
How much spaghetti is she eating?
A lot of spaghetti/ A large amount of spaghetti
How much bird food has she had?
A little
How much lasagne is he eating?
A lot/ All of it
How much spinach is he eating?
A lot of spinach/ A great amount of spinach
How many cookies is he eating?
Many cookies/ A large number of cookies
How much cereal is she eating?
She's not eating any
How many donuts is he eating?
A large number of donuts/ An astronomical amount