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Unit 2 English Class A2 revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ten film nie jest wystarczajÄ…co interesujÄ…cy.
This film isn't interesting enough.
Mój tata nie jest tak sławny jak twój tata.
My dad isn't as famous as your dad.
Ta herbata jest za słodka.
This tea is too sweet.
Sklep z odzieżą jest droższy od sklepu piekarni.
A clothes shop is more expensive than a baker's.
Dad is as short as me. He’s taller.
Dad isn't as short as me. He’s taller.
Is this camera as expensive as that one?
Is this camera as expensive as that one?
My tea isn’t hot too.
My tea isn’t hot enough.
This car is too fast as that one.
This car is as fast as that one.
This snake isn’t a good pet. It’s enough / too dangerous.
This snake isn’t a good pet. It’s too dangerous.
I can’t buy this shampoo. It isn’t cheap enough / too.
I can’t buy this shampoo. It isn’t cheap enough.
You can’t wear these shoes. Your feet are enough / too big.
You can’t wear these shoes. Your feet are too big.
I'd like 2 bigger sandwiches. This sandwich is too/enough small.
I'd like 2 bigger sandwiches. This sandwich is too small.
It's...(boring) book in the world!
It's the most boring book in the world.
It is...(quiet) in the country than in the city.
It is quieter in the country than in the city.
It's ...(small) bag in the shop.
It's the smallest bag in the shop.
Who is your....(good) friend?
Who is your best friend?
I'm the messiest/the messyest/ the most messiest person in my family.
I'm the messiest person in my family.
These trousers are shorter/short/more shorter than those ones.
These trousers are shorter than those ones.
You are patient/more patient/the most patient student in the class.
You are the most patient student in the class.
Those boots/stylish/these boots
Those boots are more stylish than these boots.
Oranges are more expensive than apples.
The supermarket/busy/the shoe shop.
The supermarket is busier than the the shoe shop.
What's the comparative and superlative of 'difficult'?
more difficult, the most difficult
What's the comparative and superlative of 'attractive'?
more attractive, the most attractive
What's the comparative and superlative of 'big'?
bigger, the biggest
What are the comparatives and superlatives of 'healthy'? (
healthier/more healthy, the healthiest/the most healthy
What's the comparative and superlative of 'bad'?
worse, the worst
What's the comparative and superlative of 'good'?
better, the best