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Science 5A Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give two examples of how earth's sphere's interact.
Examples: wind erosion (atmosphere & geosphere), a deer drinking from a pond (biosphere & hydropshere)
True or false: Stars are a part of our solar system.
False! Stars are outside of our soalr system.
If I travel to the moon, what happens to my weight? What happens to my mass?
weight changes & mass stays the same!
The Grand Canyon is an example of which two spheres interacting?
hydrosphere & geosphere
Name an object that is a conductor.
examples: gold, copper, iron, steel
Name an object that is an insulator.
examples: cloth, plastic, rubber
What does it mean if a material is an electrical conductor?
Electricity can flow freely through the material.
What is the solubility of a substance?
Solubility is a measure of how much a substance can be dissolved into another
Describe the molecules of a solid, liquid, and gas.
solid = molecules are tightly packed, liquid = molecules take the shape of container, gas = no definite volume & spread out
How many states of matter are there? Name them!
3: solid, liquid, and gas
What is the difference between mass and weight?
mass = how much matter make up an object, weight = measurement of downward force
True or false: Mass is the measure of the force of gravity.
On Earth, how do objects fall as a result of gravity?
to the center of earth
True or false: All four of Earth's systems are continuously interacting with each other.
The Biosphere consists of ALL of Earth's.....
living things
True of false: The Hydrosphere consists of ALL of Earth's living things.
Which of Earth's oceans is the LARGEST?
A group of stars viewed from Earth that has been given a name.
Comets are mostly found where?
Kuiper Belt
True of false: The moon gives off it's own light.