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What is the TOEFL iBT?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of language does the test evaluate? Academic or Informal
Do you have to take the entire test to get a score?
Yes. Only scores will be received after the entire test is taken. Not just one section.
How long are test scores valid?
2 years after the test date
How many points is each section worth? a. 10, b. 20, c. 30, d. 40
How many points maximum can you score on the entire test?
How many words long is each reading passage approximately? a. 300, b. 500, c. 700, d. 900, e. 1000 words?
700 words
How many writing tasks will you complete during the actual exam?
2 (1 independent and 1 integrated)
How long do you have for the entire speaking section?
17 minutes
What is the difference between an "independent" and an "integrated" task?
Independent is from your own knowledge. Integrated means you will be given a reading/listening to use to gather examples to answer a task.
How many speaking tasks are there during the TOEFL test?
4 (1 independent and 3 integrated)
How many reading passages will you have on the test? (2 possible answers)
3 or 4 passages! (Depends on the version)
How long is the break during the TOEFL test?
10 minutes
Does the TOEFL use human raters and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to rate speaking and writing answers? TRUE or FALSE
What does "iBT" stand for in the TOEFL iBT?
Internet-based test
What are the 4 skills tested by TOEFL?
Reading, writing, speaking, listening
What does the TOEFL stand for? (TOEFL is an acronym for what?)
Test of English as a Foreign Language