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In some parts of the world, people eat exactly 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.True or False?
People send wishes of happiness and health to loved ones for the New Year in Turkey. True or False?
Italians eat a dish called “cotechino” made from lentils and sausages for more money and luck in the new year. True or False?
One of the most interesting traditions surrounding New Year’s Eve in Turkey however is the practice of smashing an pomegranate in front of the home as a means to make way for good fortune in the coming year. True or False?
New Year tree is the most popular and favourite symbol of New Year in many countries. True or False?
In many cultures all over the world, wearing red on New Year’s Eve has become a traditional practice based on the belief it will usher in romance in the year to come.True or False?