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Honey, I shrunk the kids

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Wayne can bring the kids back to their normal size because he ..... the machine
fixed / repaired
Wayne is about to eat Nick when Quark...
Bites him
What happens with Nick when the children are riding Quark?
He falls into a bowl of cereal.
How do the kids get back into the house?
They ride Quark.
The Szalinskis have a pet. What is it? What's its name?
It's a dog. It's name is Quark.
Who is hurt by the scorpion?
What happens when Russ and Amy start kissing?
An scorpion appears.
What do the children use to camp for the night?
A Lego block
What do the children use to light the way in the dark?
A cigarette.
Why did the neighbours cancel their caravan trip?
Because their children are missing.
The machine can ........ objects.
When the children are in the garden, they find a cookie. Which insect appears?
An ant.
What does the father of the children use to see them?
A magnifying glass
What is the first place the children go when they are shrunk?
The garden.
The neighbours have a pet. What is it?
A cat.
Who saves Amy when she falls into the mud?
What are the names of the neighbours? (kids)
Russ and Ron.
What are the names of the inventor's kids?
Amy and Nick
What's the name of the inventor?
Wayne Szalinski
When was the movie released? (year)
Who directed the movie? Steven Spielberg, Joe Johnston or George Lucas?
Joe Johnston.