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present perfect & past simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Maria ____(be) in the zoo on Monday.
I _____(have) long nails since Friday.
have had
I ____( not do) my homework yet.
haven't done
Why ____(you leave) me alone yesterday at home?
did you leave
She ____( give) me this teddy bear. Look!
has given
It ____(be) 7 years since he left her.
has been
Jim ____(not phone) for a week.
hasn't phoned
I ____ ( not see) my childhood best friend since 2018.
haven't seen
We ____(have) fun at the break time last Monday!
I _____(not brush) my teeth yet.
haven't brushed
Lucy ____ (not read) her book yesterday.
didn't read
Hey! I ____( see ) you at the mall yesterday!
Boblin ____(get) a tedy bear as a present this summer.
We _____(buy) some clothes for the party. Wanna have a look?
have bought
Hugo ____ (lose) his pizzaglasses for Galaxy Party and is looking for them all around the house
has lost
He___ ( leave) the class five minutes ago.
I _____(fly) with an airplane. I understand your feeling.
have flown
I ____ (make) a cake. Want a piece?
have made
She ____(not build) a volcano model last Friday.
didn't build
____(he break) his leg last Sunday?
Did he break
Allisa ____(love) Harry when she was 9.