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Book 5 (2nd half) Ultimate Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete with a/an/the/-: ___ man was killed in ___ accident. ___ man was __ old friend of __ my mother's.
A man was killed in an accident. The man was an old friend of my mother's.
Complete with Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous: They were late because they ____ (lose) their tickets.
had lost
Complete with Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous: The children were wet because they _______ (play) in the swimming pool all day.
had been playing
Complete with Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous: When I got home, it was clear that she _________ (study). Her books were all over the room.
had been studying
Complete with Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous: You should come over at 5pm. By then, I ______ (complete) my essay and we can go out.
will have completed
Complete with Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous: I moved to Santos in 2012. I ______ (live) in this city for 10 years by the end of next year.
will have been living
Conditionals: She helped me a lot so that I could finish my project.
If she hadn't helped me so much, I wouldn't have been able to finish my project.
Complete with a/an/the/-: ___ Greece is ___ amazing country. In my opinion, it's ___ most beautiful country in ___ world.
Greece is an amazing country. In my opinion, it's the most beautiful country in the world.
Conditionals: I went to bed very late last night. I am exhausted today.
If I hadn't gone to bed so late last night, I wouldn't be exhausted today.
Conditionals: I can't save money now because I can't find a good job.
If I find a good job, I will save money.
Reported Speech: Don't forget your ID. She told me...
not to forget my ID.
Complete: If I had listened to my parents' advice...
I would have become a lawyer.
Passive Voice: They say this bridge is 300 years old.
This bridge is said to be 300 years old.
Complete: Children are supposed to...
listen to their parents
Complete: If I were the president, I...
would invest on education.
Complete: Nowhere have I...
seen such a beautiful view as in Capitólio.
Complete: Supposing I got a new job offer, I...
would analyze it carefully.
Complete: When I was a teenager, I would...
go to school in the morning and hang out with my friends in the afternoon.