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Magazines and articles ____ (publish) on News+.
are published
Fans usually ____ (watch) news about new Apple products.
The world ____ (change) after the invention of the first iPhone.
was changed
The modern, sleek designs of the iMac and iBook ____ (design) by Steve Jobs after he joined the company.
were designed
The first MacBook ____ (create) in 2006.
was created
I ______ (download) the apps last night.
About 40 billion iMessage notifications _____ (send) every day.
are sent
About 34 million Apple Watches _____ (sell) in 2020.
were sold
Lines _____ (form) in front of the Apple store when the new iPhone came out.
were formed
Selfie sticks ____ (invent) to help people take group selfies.
were invented
My friend _____ (take) a selfie stick during her trip last month.
In 2020, the MacBook Air ____ (vote) the best Apple product.
was voted
The selfie camera _____ (often / use) by influencers.
is often used
Airpods _____ (use) to listen to music.
are used
People _____ (use) airpods to listen to music.
High quality photos ______ (take) with the cameras of the iPhone.
are taken
This remote _______ (use) with the Apple TV.
is used
A lot of people ________ (buy) the new iPhone this year.
The new Apple watch __________ (release) on October 15, 2021.
was released