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What did the teacher do when he saw Tom talking to Becky?
He took a stick and hit Tom.
What did Tom do for Becky in class?
He drew pictures for her.
Who did Tom sit next to one day? Did he like the new girl?
He sat next to Becky Thatcher. He fell in love with her.
Why was Tom Sawyer late to school one day? Was his teacher happy?
He was late because he stopped to talk to Huck. His teacher was very angry.
Why didn't Huck go to Becky Thatcher's birthday party?
Because he was never invited to those parties.
Why were Tom and Huck afraid of Injun Joe?
Because he was a dangerous man.
What did Tom and Huck find under the cross?
They found the box of money - Injun Joe's treasure.
How did Tom and Becky escape from McDougal's cave?
They used Tom's string and found a little hole in one of the walls.
Where was Injun Joe's treasure?
It was under a cross in McDougal's cave.
Why didn't Tom and Becky return to St. Petersburg with the other children?
Because they got lost in the cave.
Where did the children from St. Petersburg go on Becky Thatcher's birthday?
They went to McDougal's cave. They all had candles in their hands.
Who was the Spaniard?
He was Injun Joe, trying to escape from the police.
Why were the people from St. Petersburg sad?
Because they thought the boys were dead.
Where did Tom, Huck and Joe escape to one day? What did they do there?
They went to Jackson's Island. They went fishing, made a fire and smoked Huck's pipe.
Why did the police arrest Muff Potter? Was he really guilty?
Because they found his knife. He was innocent because Injun Joe killed Dr. Robinson.
What happened at the graveyard?
There was a fight between Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe and Muff Potter. Injun Joe killed Dr. Robinson using Muff Potter's knife.
Who were Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe and Muff Potter?
They were graverobbers.
What did Tom have to paint one day? Who helped him?
He had to paint a fence, but he didn't finish that himself. His friends helped him.
Who was Huck Finn? Where did he live?
He was Tom's friend. He lived in the streets because his mother died and his father drank alcohol.
Who was Becky Thatcher? What did she look like?
She was the new girl at Tom's school. She was beautiful. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Who did Tom Sawyer live with?
He lived with Aunt Polly and his brother Sid.
Who was Tom Sawyer?
He was a boy who liked adventures.