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In one collection trip, how many flowers does a bee visit?
50 to 100 flowers.
What do bees use to smell?
Their antennae
Where is the only place on earth bees are not found?
How many wings do bees have?
Two pairs of wings (4) - the larger fore wings and the smaller hind wings
What two ways do bees protect themselves?
Building their hive in well hidden places and stinging.
What do bees eat?
They mainly eat the nectar and pollen from flowers. Young bees eat honey in the winter.
Bees can see all colors except one. What is that color?
How many eyes does a bee have?
How long can a Queen bee live
Up to 5 years
How long do worker bees usually live for?
5 - 6 weeks
What is the bee's stinger made of?
Chitin - a special substance that most insects' outsides are made of. Chitin can be hard or soft and flexible. In the case of the bee, it is very hard.
Which of these bees sting - Drone? Worker? Queen?