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Linkers Sentence Transformation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She worked very hard so that she could win the gold medal. ORDER She worked very hard ______________________________ the gold medal.
She worked very hard IN ORDER TO WIN the gold medal.
Despite being very good, she is not the best. HOWEVER She is very good. ___________________________________the best.
She is very good. HOWEVER, SHE IS NOT the best.
We arrived earlier because we wanted to sit in the front row. SO We arrived early _____________________________ in the front row.
We arrived earlier SO THAT WE COULD SIT in the front row.
If you'd given me the money, I would've done the shopping. SO You didn't give me the money,____________________ the shopping.
You didn't give me the money, SO I DID NOT DO the shopping.
Although she had small savings, she decided to buy this car. SPITE She decided to buy this car ______________________________ small savings.
She decided to buy this car IN SPITE OF (HER) HAVING small savings. She decided to buy this car IN SPITE OF HER small savings.
We phoned the hotel to complain as we'd had such terrible service. BECAUSE We phoned the hotel to complain _________________________ we'd had.
We phoned the hotel to complain BECAUSE OF THE TERRIBLE SERVICE we'd had.
The college was closed for a month owing to the summer holidays. RESULT The college was closed for a month ___________________ the summer holidays.
The college was closed for a month AS A RESULT OF the summer holidays.
The captain won't be playing today because of a bad injury. DUE ______________________ the captain has a bad injury, he won't be playing today.
DUE TO THE FACT THAT the captain has a bad injury, he won't be playing today.
I'm going to night school so that I can improve my German. ORDER I'm going to night school __________________________ my German.
I'm going to night school IN ORDER TO IMPROVE my German.
She enjoys her job in spite of her low salary EVEN She finds her job enjoyable ____________________________________low.
She finds her job enjoyable EVEN THOUGH HER SALARY IS low.
Fred enjoyed the book, but he found the ending disappointing. ALTHOUGH _________________________________ he found the ending disappointing.
ALTHOUGH HE ENJOYED THE BOOK, he found the ending disappointing.
Even though I usually lose, I quite enjoy playing tennis. DESPITE I quite enjoy playing tennis _____________________________________.
I quite enjoy playing tennis DESPITE USUALLY LOSING.
Even though I usually lose, I quite enjoy playing tennis. DESPITE I quite enjoy playing tennis _____________________________ usually lose.
I quite enjoy playing tennis DESPITE THE FACT THAT I usually lose.
Wear some warm clothes because it might get colder later. CASE Wear some warm clothes ____________________________________cold later.
Wear some warm clothes IN CASE IT GETS cold later.
Despite not feeling well, Sam went to the cinema with his friends. ALTHOUGH Sam went to the cinema with his friends ______________________________ well.
Sam went to the cinema with his friends ALTHOUGH HE DID NOT FEEL well.
It was windy and raining but we still went to the beach. SPITE We went to the beach __________________________ and the rain
We went to the beach IN SPITE OF THE WIND and the rain.